Players at each event, AUSG Middle School 12U & 13U, as well as the AUSG High School 9th - 11th Grade and unsigned Seniors receive game jersey & pants, socks, and a swag bag. Players proceed through check-in and collect different items such as water bottle, towel, event patch and more.
Players will receive their team assignment and uniform at the checkin-in (Host Hotel meeting room). Player check-in is Wednesday January 18th from 9am -6pm. A meet and greet is scheduled from 7pm -10pm at Dave and Busters River Center Mall.
The 2026 AUSBG Events are the week of January TBD, in San Antonio, Texas.
All games will be played at Somerset Academy Collegiate Stadium (formerly named Brooks Collegiate Academy) 4802 Vance Jackson Rd., San Antonio, Tx 78230
All entrance is General Admission, 8 and under are free.
Tickets are $20.00 each. Tickets can be purchased at the gate on the day of the event, or at the Player Check-in.
Players may request a number, but number are NOT guaranteed since many players may have the same number. Our aim is to have each player to wear a jersey that fits properly, and the number corresponds with the position played. We DO NOT want players wearing jerseys that are to big simply have their jersey number.
Players are selected to receive and invitation to play based on several criteria. Players first should create a profile on the SportsThread app. The app is free. Post your information and game film to the app, and continue to update the info, and most important your game film. HUDL links are also accpeted.
Information originally provided, as well as your game film links (SportsThread preferred) and letters of recommendation from current and past coaches are also utilized. We also look at any accolades, but we frown upon any youth all-american/all-star games that charged a fee over $50 to participate or were basically a pay-to-play event.
Any middle school or high school student can signup for the AUSG National Combine. The cost is $89, and each participant will receive a comprehensive report from ZYBEK.
ZYBEK is the same company used used by the NFL Scouting Combine, Adidas/Rivals Combine, and the All American Bowl National Combine. All times are laser. Each participant will receive a combine event shirt.
Players are encouraged to participate in the Combine to showcase their skills and gain valuable exposure to college scouts. The fee for the Combine is much lower than many combines.
The answer is NO! The AUSG/AUSBG name and logos are Trademarks of All United States Games LLC. They may not be used, copied or reproduced in any manner, in whole or apart, without the prior written permission of All United States Games LLC.
The AUSBG is a free event. As a free event we must ask for in kind donations. We ask the host hotels to provide us with free use of the meeting rooms used for check-in, meetings, and presentations. We must meet a minimum stay for the use of these rooms at no charge.
We do block the rooms and get the best rate possible for the AUSBG participants and parents stay. Also, many of our activities take place at the host hotel.
No. We try to make teams as even as possible based on information we receive from the Watch List form, therefore players are placed on either East or West. To have players who have played together on the same team is an unfair advantage. The aim of the games is to showcase players skills in a competitive environment.
All participants will need to bring helmet, shoulder pads, cleats, practice jersey, pants with pads. The AUSBG does NOT provide any equipment.
Participants are provided game jersey, game pant (it pulls over your existing pants).
Pants must have required pads and cover the knees. (Players with pants pulled up above the knee will be removed from the game until equipment violation is corrected)
Tinted/Mirrored shields are illegal by NFHS, UIL, NCAA rules, and are a liability. Doctors note/excuse is NOT an exception to the rules. Tinted shields are not permitted for practice or game.
Players with a need to wear "shades" from bright light should purchase goggles which are legal.
Player check-in is 12 Noon - 6pm at the host hotel. It is an OPEN check-in, meaning no set time for groups or grades, just show up between 12 Noon and 6pm.
Rosters will be compiled the day before check-in, but are still subject to change, as in the past we have experienced participants that fail to show up, or cancel day of or days before. We also have participants who late commit or show up at check-in.
Yes, we will have t-shirts, caps, Jackets, mouthguards, wristbands. bicep bands, rally towels, and other items available for purchase at check-in, and at the games. We also have an event ring made of stainless steel available for purchase in four sizes, (sizes 9,10,11, & 12).
Forms of payment accepted: Cash, Credit Card, Debit Card, Cash App, Apple Pay
We prefer State Issued I.D. card, Military Dependent I.D. card, or valid U.S. Passport for identity purposes. If you do not have one of the three, please bring current School issued Student I.D. along with Birth Certificate. If you don't have student I.d., please bring birth certificate & Social Security card.
Yes, it is located on the "Schedule Page" or use this link. School Absent LetterSchool Absent LetterClick HereClick Here
The waiver form for the combine can be found on the "National Combine" page, click the National Combine tab in the top menu bar.